When I finished your article, I felt the same anger and disgust I felt after having read American Psycho. This isn't to reflect on you as a person or as a writer, but on myself instead. This is why I don't watch horror movies - I can't stand what I see as the glorification of senseless cruelty.
I realize that such was never your intent. It is said that the more one studies war, the more one hates war. Similarly, I believe your article had a specific purpose i.e. to force us to see and accept that the human animal (and the male in particular) has a darker side, and that it's only the norms of society and our 'better angels' that hold the horror at bay.
I don't have to enjoy an article to acknowledge its importance and profundity, and yours meets the standards for both. On a more personal level, I applaud you for having presented the subject matter in such a way that it fulfilled your intent without it becoming 'horror porn'.
Well done.