Thank you, and I did not know much of this, including the opposition to the use of the atomic bombs. That being said, it is my contention that the firebombing campaign was equally unnecessary...and in a very real way, it was much worse.
Think about it. Would you rather face death by an atomic bomb that would wipe you out in less than the blink of an eye, or watch a virtual tidal wave of fire approaching you faster than you can walk, and with the air temperature close to the boiling point of water? People who fled to water tanks were boiled to death.
It's like the choice between a firing squad or being tortured to death. Sure, with the torture you'll live longer, but I'd personally prefer the firing squad.
And yes, many tens of thousands lived and suffered horribly after the atomic bombings, but it is my contention that the aggregate of human suffering was much worse from the firebombing campaign.