Sir, I suggest you look up the legal definition of treason.
Also, Antifa — which stands for “Anti-fascist” (which makes one wonder why right-wingers hate them so much) — is not monolithic, not an organized group, whereas the Confederacy most certainly was. Neither are they fighting a war against the American nation, nor are they giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They can be prosecuted for vandalism, assault, resisting arrest, and inciting a riot — all of which could have and were applied to the Civil Rights marches in the 1960’s — but they’re not even close to treason. Please do yourself a favor and become a bit more educated when it comes to the law.
Lastly, I grew up believing as you did, and Mississippi’s school system wasn’t going to tell its students anything different. Then I came across a few things by the leaders alive at the time, and YES, the South started the Civil War, and YES, it was all about preserving slavery.