On Dec. 31, 1999, my wife and I brought her deceased dad’s body back to Manila from California. Her family lives in what you yourself would almost certainly refer to as abject poverty…but they consider themselves middle class of the area.
Anyway, there in the family compound on a cot lay her grandmother, half blind, half deaf, essentially waiting to die. There was usually a fan for her (it’s like a MS Delta summer there…but warmer, and all year round), but no real protection from the flies and other insects. Sounds bad when one looks at the air-conditioned comfort most of our elderly have, right?
But in my opinion, she was richer than almost any elderly person here in America. Why? Because every single day, she got to see and interact with her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren, all of whom showed her respect and kindness. Think about that the next time you’re visiting someone inside a nursing home.
Yes, it *is* a race war. Whites are frightened that they are losing their place on top, and rightly so…because in every nation, there’s *always* one demographic (whether race, ethnicity, or religion) that is socioeconomically dominant. In China, it’s the Han. In Rwanda, it’s the Tutsi. In America, it’s the white Anglo-Saxon protestants…but America is “browning”, and in a few decades, whites will be losing their place on top.
The ‘behavior war’ you try to claim is happening…isn’t. Take an entire population, enslave them for centuries, and then “free” them, only to be relegated to second-class citizenship under Jim Crow laws for another century (with little real access to quality education, much less higher employment), and then once the Civil Rights Act is passed, you expect that same race to magically transform itself in two or three generations? Really?
Do yourself a favor — travel to a third-world nation. Stay among the people for months or even years, away from the touristy areas…and you’ll begin to realize just how much you’ve been lied to all your life.