I have pointed out many, _many_ times that in every nation, there is one and ONLY one socioeconomically-dominant demographic, whether that demographic is racial, ethnic, or religious in nature. Does that agree with what you just said?
Pretty much, right? Right.
But that’s not all. The rest of the rule is that that particular socioeconomically-dominant group will commit the most — and the most egregious — acts of prejudice. In China, it’s the Han who commit the most such acts against the Uighurs and the Tibetans. In Japan, it’s the ‘normal’ Japanese against the Ainu. In Saudi Arabia, it’s the Sunni against the Shi’a. In Rwanda, it’s the Tutsi against the Hutus.
Again, does this agree pretty much with what you said? Yep.
But HERE is the key: does the fact that the socioeconomically-dominant demographic _is_ dominant somehow excuse the fact that they commit the most — and the most egregious — acts of prejudice?
Of course not. THAT, sir, is the key fact that you’re missing.
What you need to do is to decide whether you want America to be just like all the other nations, or whether you want America to be a nation where everyone truly has equal rights and equal opportunity.
To put it another way, you need to decide whether you want a nation where there is freedom TO discriminate, or where there is freedom FROM discrimination.
It’s one or the other — you can’t have both.