Gee, that’s funny…’cause I was born in 1962, the last official year of the “baby boom”. In other words, all ‘Boomers’ are my age or older. Whenever I look at the protests, MOST of the people there are obviously younger than me. Most of MY people are too damned worried because we’re the ones most likely to die from COVID-19.
To be sure, there’s quite a few Boomers who are out there being stupid…but most of them aren’t Boomers. Most of them are Millennials. Don’t believe me? Use those Mark-1 Mod-0 guv’mint-issue eyes you were issued at birth and look at photos of a protest — ANY protest. It’s a few Boomers and a butt-ton of Millennials and a few younger ones who think they’re invincible as young people do.
What you should be asking yourself is why you thought it was mostly Boomers doing this stupid nonsense. That’s the danger of listening only to those who think as you do. It’s called an “echo chamber”. Beware of being caught in an echo chamber. Go out of your way to listen to those who think differently from you — you don’t have to agree with them, but it would do you well to discover the real reasons why they are the way they are.
And when you do, remember this quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “In order to do evil, one must believe that what one is doing is good.” Because (almost) everyone actually believes they’re doing what they honestly believe is good and right…even if it’s obviously evil and stupid. That’s a valuable insight, if you’ve the courage to carry it with you.