Do you see the problem with your references? The "slow rollout" reference is from January 10th. The other one's from Jan. 21st.
Today is March 15th.
I don't know how much experience you have in administration, in starting new programs, new systems, new projects...but there are *always* screw-ups and challenges. This is why almost every brand-new weapons system goes over budget - not by design, but because there's always crap that no one saw coming.
And some do better than others in the beginning. Was our rollout slower than other places? Initially, yes. The key, sir, isn't how one does initially, but how one does as time goes on, with having had time to make the right adjustments...which is what WA has done, thank you very much. The ability to identify the problem and address it on the fly is one reason why we've got the 8th-lowest mortality rate in the country. 42 other states *wish* they were doing as well as we are.
You were right that our initial rollout was slow. What you missed was that since then, we've caught up and are middle-of-the-pack. Another phrase for that is "significant improvement".
Here's a suggestion: before making a sweeping judgement, next time try getting the most up-to-date information...and if things have changed in the interim, try to discern why things changed...and whether that obviates your initial assumption.