3 lab workers. I guess it doesn’t matter they were working in a building employing *hundreds* of workers, or that COVID isn’t the only virus that people go to the hospital for, or that they could each have been working in different floors of the building on different projects, or that COVID was certainly *not* the only virus being studied there, or even that every one of those who work there have lives *outside* that building, or that this was November, which happens to be the beginning of flu season, or that China is not just overcrowded, but freaking *notorious* for being where new strains of flu develop every few years.
And it doesn’t matter that China — like *all* dictatorships — is close-mouthed about *everything* that might make them look bad.
Oh no, despite all those factors, it MUST have been COVID, and they MUST have been exposed to it due to a lab leak inside that building, and China MUST be covering it all up since they’re SO transparent about everything else that happens in their nation!