1. I've read that baby urine was used as a mouthwash in old China - whether that's true or not, I don't know, but if it was true, I can imagine they believed - probably rightly - that baby urine is actually fairly clean stuff compared to most stuff they drank in those days other than hot tea or wine.
2. In the Philippines, I learned that if there's no toilet paper (or suitable substitute), they use what's called a 'tabo' (pronounced "tah-bow") - basically a small plastic pot with a long handle. I'm sure you've seen how some people - including most Asians - can squat on their heels. This also means that when they go poo, they squat like this, and there's much less poo that winds up on their butt-cheeks. Then they wash themselves with the tabo, and they're good to go.
3. I remember on a port visit to Singapore, I discovered that sometimes, a toilet in a mall is just a small hole in the floor. The hole *might* have been four inches in diameter. The choice, then, was "squat or suffer". Funny how, when the pressure's really on, one's aim really improves. That was...interesting.