1. France isn't 'exploding' - not even close. The latest homicide count I see is 778 for the year 2018...which is slightly less than Louisiana and Alabama combined for the same year.
2. 'Woke' is the new 'socialism' in that it's a term that a few on the Left used, and now it's been co-opted by the Right as a word to be used in scorn to excuse the documented - and statistically quite prevalent - prejudice and racism.
3. With the exceptions of the occasional right-wing universities like Liberty U. and Oral Roberts, just about every major university I've ever heard of has been accused of 'spreading leftist thought'. Think back to the 1960's, with the Vietnam protests and the protests against Jim Crow. The Right - which at that time included the strongly-Democratic (and always-strongly conservative) Deep South - decried the protests as hotbeds of socialism and communism, that agents provocateur were driving the protests. Funny how every university that doesn't toe the Right-wing line gets accused of being a hotbed of left-wing extremism.
4. You're right that France is much more secure in its 'national identity' than America is...but America is a nation of immigrants. That's the *only* part of America that's truly exceptional, that only in America can someone immigrate and be *truly* American, in their own eyes, and in the eyes of their fellow Americans. No other nation can say that (though Australia and the UK come close). Thing is, you can't expect someone from, say, Thailand or India or Kenya to come here and embrace country music and cowboys and baseball. Human nature does not work that way. Immigrants *will* seek out their own. They will celebrate their heritage *and* their American citizenship. I've watched it myself on many, many occasions.
In other words, it's not the immigrants who are the problem. It's those who are so afraid of different skin tones, different accents, and different cultures.